As a matter of fact, all the women including transgender women and genetic women maintain the same attractive and beautiful whether they had plastic surgery or transsexual operation surgery. Most of the men choose to get into serious relationship with trans girls not for some fantasy instead of producing sincere feelings to their trans girlfriends. The trans relationship is more complicated than ordinary relationship. For instance, lack of basic knowledge and awareness related concepts of transgender may affect your relationship and even may break up. As more and more guys joined transgender dating recently, this problem is being a common problem among the trans dates. The next information you should focus on if you want to successfully date a trans girl.
Don't mention about transsexual surgery. In fact, transsexual surgery has nothing to change compared with genetic women except undergoing replacement of her genitalia. For trans women, transsexual surgery is a sensitive topic which needs a careful attention. Don't talk about this topic on the initial stage of trans dating with a trans woman. It's best to talk about it at the right time has after getting to know your partner. After all, she has the right to decide to talk about it or not. This surgery is a best way to transition and to feel confident in the presence of others for some trans girls. So, don't impose your ideas on them or change them in some way.
The gender transformation is a long and difficult process, it doesn't depend on how can they be accepted as a woman or as transsexual. And being a female isn't just wearing a sexy dress and making up. Please don't mix up the transgender women and the crossdressers. The process of transforming a female usually needs to spend a lot of time and patience. Even if they look like a woman in shape, but they require to receive female hormone therapy and all kinds of cosmetic procedures. After the estrogen injection, trans women improve their skin smoother and softer, growth of small breast, and achieve the basic characteristics of female. After a long period of hormone therapy, trans women look feminine, a little facial and body hair, smaller body and softer voice.
However, sometimes trans girls still no confidence after receiving estrogen therapy. Some trans girls choose to get plastic surgery so that make them a truly feminine appearance. The most popular cosmetic procedure includes hip enhancement, breasts implants, and some face feminization. These can help them to develop more like female.
Overall. all the transgender girls deserve to be treated as women whether they look feminine enough or not. Only by understanding trans women can we truly respect them. Keep in mind this and treating them respect and concern just like genetic women will help you to find your ideal partner in a efficient way.